Can you spot three people?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ahh It's Been Awhile
My goodness I haven't written anything in such a long time! Where to start?
Our computer had a bit of an accident and it was looking terminal but it is okay. Not perfect but functional so all is well in the world.
My thoughts are very scattered at the moment so I fear that this post maybe too!
I had a funny incident with The Boogie a few days ago which I just never want to forget!
I was feeding Little One on the couch and The Boogie was out the front weeding. He comes to the window and knocks. I turn, he shows me a big handful of weeds and I congratulate him on a job well done.
"Look at the... Look at the books Mama" He says.
I briefly look away from the window to the bookshelf. I quickly turn back when he is not looking to see him "planting" his weeds in my pot bearing an eggplant.
"I saw that... you put the weeds in my pot plant" I call.
"I planting weeds. They're going to grow into big tomatoes" He informs me.
The poor chicken keeps calling my tomato plants weeds. I aways inform his that no they are not weeds they are tomato plants and they are going to grow tomatoes on them. Now he seems very confused about the origin of tomatoes. Whoops!
It was about 35 Celsius today so I kept the boys inside until late this afternoon. Then we hit the garden! I transplanted a bunch of tomato seedlings and am happy to report that quite a few zucchini seedlings are doing well! I'm not so happy to report that the tomato seedlings I transplanted with the zucchinis did not fare so well between The Boogie and the snails. We pulled up some carrots that I planted ages ago but they are all stumpy and short. Next time I wont do it in egg cartons first with The Boogie we will throw them straight in the garden and see if they come out bigger! Always learning :)
On a totally unrelated point my Little One is six weeks old today. It does feel like he has been here that long but it definitely shows. About a week or so ago he lost that newborn look and now looks like a solid infant! He is a little character. He looks a lot like The Boogie did but he has a very different temperament. It's exciting to see how we all develop with each other as a family.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
WFMW- Boogie Free Time
Works For Me Wednesday
We don't have a bath in our house but The Boogie loves a good bubble bath. When I need some Boogie free time I put our baby bath in the shower, add bubbles and get some time off!
Caution: don't leave young children unattended near water!
We don't have a bath in our house but The Boogie loves a good bubble bath. When I need some Boogie free time I put our baby bath in the shower, add bubbles and get some time off!
Caution: don't leave young children unattended near water!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday: Baby Shoes
A friend of mine gave me his old sewing machine on Sunday so I decided my Tackle would be these cute soft sole baby shoes. This is my first sewing project in ten years that didn't involve straight lines (usually not very straight) and my mother! And ten years ago I had a home economics teacher for help!
The material is small fabric samples that a friend gave me and I stole the thread off my mother years ago so all in all a very cheap craft project for me!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Could You Forgive Your Child?
We had a scary incident today. We were due to go out for Ash's birthday dinner and Little One was asleep in his carrier on the ottoman so I nipped in to our room to get changed. Ash asked me where Little One was and I told him. He went into the lounge to check on him and informed me that he wasn't in his carrier- he was on the couch.
My three and a half year old had lifted him from his carrier and put him a few feet away on the couch.
He seems fine and alert. We didn't even know it had happened as he didn't cry or anything. It does make me worry though- about what could have happened and about any long term problems such as neck issues if The Boogie didn't support his head.
It also makes me wonder if The Boogie had hurt Little One seriously could I have forgiven him? I hope so!
Could you forgive one of your children if they seriously hurt one of their siblings?
My three and a half year old had lifted him from his carrier and put him a few feet away on the couch.
He seems fine and alert. We didn't even know it had happened as he didn't cry or anything. It does make me worry though- about what could have happened and about any long term problems such as neck issues if The Boogie didn't support his head.
It also makes me wonder if The Boogie had hurt Little One seriously could I have forgiven him? I hope so!
Could you forgive one of your children if they seriously hurt one of their siblings?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday
It's funny- I remember I used to get grumpy if my favorite bloggers hadn't written a post in more than 24 hours.

Now I realise how hard it can be!
So in an effort to combine housework and blogging I decided to take part in Tackle It Tuesday! I swear it was the only thing that kept me going.
Before- my mountain of washing
After- my bed returns
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pimp My Nappies
We have been copping a lot of attitude from The Boogie lately. What I've come to realise is that he is simply mirroring us and our tone so I decided that today would be a yelling free day. We didn't do to badly either! We must keep it up but it is hard to be patient, gentle and loving when your tired! It's sure going to be fun when Ash goes back to work!
To start the day Ash got The Boogie his cereal and crawled back into bed. Half an hour later no cereal had been eaten but it did have Nandos hot sauce in it! Yum!
We slowly got our act together this morning and went to the shops. I bought t-shirts to decorate for the kids Christmas presents (good special!), three packs of dye and some elastic bands.

After lunch we got on to pimping those boring white terry nappies we got off freecycle! We also did all the plain singlets too!
On the subject of nappies Almost Frugal is having an awesome giveaway which I would love to get my paws on! She is giving away her daughters outgrown TotsBots nappies and a wet bag from Babycat Goods. We could definely do with some more modern cloth (though our terries do look awesome!). We are yet to get a wet bag and are just using plastic bags at the moment so to win this would be awesome!
Lucas also did some chalk drawings- check out his Kookaburra
To start the day Ash got The Boogie his cereal and crawled back into bed. Half an hour later no cereal had been eaten but it did have Nandos hot sauce in it! Yum!
We slowly got our act together this morning and went to the shops. I bought t-shirts to decorate for the kids Christmas presents (good special!), three packs of dye and some elastic bands.
After lunch we got on to pimping those boring white terry nappies we got off freecycle! We also did all the plain singlets too!
Lucas also did some chalk drawings- check out his Kookaburra
Friday, September 19, 2008
Getting Into The Swing Of Things
I haven't written anything for a week! I guess I have a good excuse though :-)
Last night The Boogie came to my bed to kiss me good night as I was so tired. My friend came over the night before as she and her partner had been arguing. I ended up staying up until midnight- whoops!
We did a fun Montessori inspired activity which has been a hit (ha ha unintentional pun!) and has provided much entertainment- Bamming! I got the idea from Julie as he little boy loves it I figured The Boogie would too. We used a polystyrene block some packaging, golf tees and a rubber mallet. Eventually I think we will move on to soft wood, nails and a hammer but I had to think of the little fingers!

Like The Boogies self portrait? He told me what he was drawing with each feature which is a first for him. Normally he scribbles a bit and then demands that I draw something for him. I really hope that phase is over because it does my head in!
Meanwhile my little tomatoes are doing well- there are over 50 of them! We also planted some zucchini seeds and they shot up so we transferred them to small pots the other day while Ash and Little One slept inside. It was nice to have some one on one time with The Boogie- while also getting something done that I wanted to do!
Friday, September 12, 2008
He Is Here!
Little one arrived on the 8Th of September 2008 via emergency c-section after 31 hours of labour. He weighed 3.93 kilos and measured 52Cm's. He is a lovely little boy- very mellow. He rarely cries but frowns all the time.
I started having contractions every 15 minutes around midnight on Saturday. I let Ash sleep until six that morning and then let him know. At 7am we rang my parents and they came to pick The Boogie up and we went to hospital at 8:30. I was hooked up to a monitor and the contractions died off. I had an internal which happily revealed that i was 2Cm's dilated at least! They let us go home so we went to a fathers day BBQ at my sisters. When we got home I got some sleep between contractions.
We finally went back to hospital at 1:30am on Monday and I was have 3 to 5 minutely contractions but had only dilated to 4Cm's. At 3:15am I finally got some pain relief in the form of an epidural. Ahh Bliss. I slept. At 6am Monday the midwife informed me (Ash was asleep) that Little One was distressed and we would have to have a c-section. At 6:45 we woke Ash and told him to get a cup of coffee as we were going to theatre in 15 minutes! He was born at 7:19 Monday morning!
I was disappointed I was unable to give birth naturally and felt that Ash let me down quite a bit in labour. He was asleep for most of it and at one point even told me to stop groaning as it was "really f***ing annoying". He was really lucky he only got hit by a pillow.
We used disposable nappies in hospital but now we have returned home we have switched to cloth... so far so good but it is only day one.
The Boogie has taken it fairly well. He is fine able Little One having milkies and has given him kisses unprompted but isn't really interested at this stage. That's fine- he will get used to the changes. 
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Maybe Baby?
I think I might be going into labour tonight! I have had a bloody show and am having some pains eeee! Maybe a little fathers day present for the big man!
Today we had a fairly relaxed day as Ash began his three week holidays- yay! Boogie came in to our bed early and at 6:30 am said "I want cereal" to which i responded "Talk to your Dad" and rolled over and slept for another 2 hours! Bliss!
We polished off two loads of washing, had some lunch and then headed to the park. After playing at the park for some time we grabbed a few things at the shop. When we came home Ash cooked dinner and I did some more weeding out the front with Boogie. Oh the meal was heavenly, cooked to perfection. As a special treat Ash prepared some strawberries and we ate them covered with yogurt. Yum!
I went to work for a couple of hours and Ash made the bed and did the dishes. When I returned his parents were here. They stayed for a while and when they left Ash returned to the movie he'd been watching before they arrived so I jumped on the computer. I went out to the lounge about 2 hours ago and he was asleep in the arm chair, where he remains even now :)
Oh and my beautiful Boogie insists on picking me little flowers every time he come across one! Awe, this boy is too cute!
Today we had a fairly relaxed day as Ash began his three week holidays- yay! Boogie came in to our bed early and at 6:30 am said "I want cereal" to which i responded "Talk to your Dad" and rolled over and slept for another 2 hours! Bliss!
We polished off two loads of washing, had some lunch and then headed to the park. After playing at the park for some time we grabbed a few things at the shop. When we came home Ash cooked dinner and I did some more weeding out the front with Boogie. Oh the meal was heavenly, cooked to perfection. As a special treat Ash prepared some strawberries and we ate them covered with yogurt. Yum!
I went to work for a couple of hours and Ash made the bed and did the dishes. When I returned his parents were here. They stayed for a while and when they left Ash returned to the movie he'd been watching before they arrived so I jumped on the computer. I went out to the lounge about 2 hours ago and he was asleep in the arm chair, where he remains even now :)
Oh and my beautiful Boogie insists on picking me little flowers every time he come across one! Awe, this boy is too cute!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Three Grey Elephants Balancing
I'm still pregnant :-(

Today Boogie and I spent pretty much the entire day outside, aside from doing a jigsaw twice, playing with the magnet game and snap for a short time. What did we do outside on this lovely sunny day? I weeded the garden while Boogie collected the weeds in his wheelbarrow. We managed to fill our big green wheelie bin about a quarter full! Not bad for 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant I think!
Between wheeling loads to the bin Boogie balanced up and down the small brick fence out the front singing "Three grey elephants balancing step by step on a piece of string..." He did really well too! I had been meaning to set up a balancing beam for him for ages as a Montessori exercise but hadn't gotten around to it yet. Its amazing how they just find the activities all by themselves!
Quite a few of my tomatoes are starting to sprout yay! Today I planted 12 more tomato seeds and a pack of zucchini seeds- fingers crossed!
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Labor, My Day And A Giveaway
My Labor (playing along with Rocks In My Dryer)
How long were your labors?
No labor with Boogie- planned c-section as you can probably see in the photo above. Hopefully with Son number 2 we will experience labor!
How did you know you were in labor?
As above
As above
Where did you deliver?
At a lovely little maternity hospital.
At a lovely little maternity hospital.
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Who delivered?
My ob
My ob
Today Boogie and I played with playdoh and tidied the house. In the afternoon we had to fill the car and the cheapest fuel was a bit of a drive so we took some library books back and hit the shops. We found another button up shirt for me and a Thomas the Tank book for Boogie at the op shop. Then we hit Big W and I spent far too much money. I bought a couple of things for Ash's birthday and Boogie bought a present for baby plus I got some new rechargeable batteries for the camera. Afterwards we picked Ash up from work and went to the ob. Still no change... he's bouncing around up far too high :(
I also entered an awesome blog giveaway tonight- such yummy bags- have a look!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Day Has Come And Gone
STILL NOTHING! The count down to the 9th begins... fingers crossed. I really must pack my hospital bag though just in case! We have an appointment with the Ob tomorrow so we'll see if anything has progressed. I have noticed a lot of goop which I'm thinking might be the mucus plug! Here is an updated photo!
Ahhhh I'm huge!
We didn't do an awful lot today. Boogie played with the magnet game and jigsaw his early ed officer left him for quite some time. He asked to play with playdoh but strangely enough it didn't hold his attention for long. I was a grumpy old mama today and Boogie was just rubbing me the wrong way all day. Sometimes we just have days like that- I presume everyone does.
I did cover the baby wipes container with material as done on this great little site with all sorts of awesome DIY baby gear ideas. Mine doesn't look as good as hers but oh well what can you do.
So I have started the bean bags, the jugging balls and bubble wands.
I also plan on making tin can stilts, stenciled t-shirts, ribbon rings, gak, bubble mix, felt crayon rolls, memory cards and ribbon hair clips for the girls. For the parents we are also purchasing family zoo passes.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Still No Babe
Its my big sisters birthday tomorrow. My baby is also due tomorrow. We went out to for a celebrationary lunch and I ate three whole jalapeno peppers as I have read the old wives tale that it spicy food helps bring on labour. After work the other half and I did the deed as per another old wives tale but alas... nothing! I'm not allowed to get mad until tomorrow, I know- but its hard! If he hasn't arrived of his own accord by the 9th of September then he is going to be delivered via Cesarean, which I'm trying to avoid. So COME ON little fella!!!
By the way I'm much bigger then this now... this photo was taken a couple of months ago. I really must take some new ones!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thrift Store Friday
I had a Boogie free day today (he was at daycare) plus I had the car so I did all the groceries and hit the op shops.
Boy did i hit the op shops! I bought a frame to make a Montessori practical life dressing frame plus some clothes for them. It worked out cheaper to get two extra pieces of kids clothes so I got a onesie for bub number two (I shouldn't have- we have so much already!) and a top for my niece. Later I also found a cute pair of jeans for my niece too (she is constantly outgrowing them!). I also got a summer dress and a button up shirt (breastfeeding friendly) for myself and a cloth nappy for bub. All this for $20.50.

Now all i have is make turn the three frames I've collected into dressing frames.
Meanwhile we have one more day until bub is due- come on bubba make your entrance already we want to meet you!
Boy did i hit the op shops! I bought a frame to make a Montessori practical life dressing frame plus some clothes for them. It worked out cheaper to get two extra pieces of kids clothes so I got a onesie for bub number two (I shouldn't have- we have so much already!) and a top for my niece. Later I also found a cute pair of jeans for my niece too (she is constantly outgrowing them!). I also got a summer dress and a button up shirt (breastfeeding friendly) for myself and a cloth nappy for bub. All this for $20.50.
Now all i have is make turn the three frames I've collected into dressing frames.
Meanwhile we have one more day until bub is due- come on bubba make your entrance already we want to meet you!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Washing dishes- he asked to do it!
This is a Montessori practical life activity I have read about on several occasions and have sort of wanted to try with the Boogie. I say sort of because our previous adventures at the sink turned in to a lets turn the tap on as hard as it goes, waste lots of water, flood the kitchen and then do a poo on the counter (him not me, I promise!). This obviously turned me off sink time. This was a long time ago now I must admit.
So how did it happen? I had started the dishes and he was clearing the table, when he finished the table he said "I wash dishes?" To which I replied "You want to wash the dishes?" "Yeah."
So we got a chair, he stood next to the sink with me next to him and he washed all the cutlery and each time he reached in he'd say "What have we got in here- oh its a spoon! (or knife or fork)." He washed a pot, a bread board and a few other things before he got bored. I must say i was pretty impressed and I think I might do this with him more often.
We also planned tomato seeds in egg cartons so hopefully in a few weeks I will have some sprouts to post about and hopefully we wont be buying tomatoes this summer. Oh and we also planted pumpkin seeds in the garden so fingers crossed. I also want to plant zucchini, lettuce, potatoes and sweet potatoes. I just have to remember to actually water them!
Boogies early education officer came for a visit and we played with a cool magnet game she brought. We also played snap, a jigsaw and a lacing card. He struggled with the concept of Snap a bit (he was very tired). After she left the big boy and the little boy both fell asleep for an hour before I woke them up. I am amazed that the boogie is already asleep now- I guess head colds are good for something!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Well I have finally done it! I have been thinking about beginning my own blog for a few months now but it actually seems a little daunting- all these technical bits and pieces that I don't understand. I have recently become very interested in reading blogs and I really like the way a blog will enable me to journal my days with my boys (without all the random pieces of paper) for my long term memory and enjoyment!
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