Monday, October 20, 2008

Ahh It's Been Awhile

My goodness I haven't written anything in such a long time! Where to start?

Our computer had a bit of an accident and it was looking terminal but it is okay. Not perfect but functional so all is well in the world.

My thoughts are very scattered at the moment so I fear that this post maybe too!

I had a funny incident with The Boogie a few days ago which I just never want to forget!

I was feeding Little One on the couch and The Boogie was out the front weeding. He comes to the window and knocks. I turn, he shows me a big handful of weeds and I congratulate him on a job well done.

"Look at the... Look at the books Mama" He says.

I briefly look away from the window to the bookshelf. I quickly turn back when he is not looking to see him "planting" his weeds in my pot bearing an eggplant.

"I saw that... you put the weeds in my pot plant" I call.

"I planting weeds. They're going to grow into big tomatoes" He informs me.

The poor chicken keeps calling my tomato plants weeds. I aways inform his that no they are not weeds they are tomato plants and they are going to grow tomatoes on them. Now he seems very confused about the origin of tomatoes. Whoops!

It was about 35 Celsius today so I kept the boys inside until late this afternoon. Then we hit the garden! I transplanted a bunch of tomato seedlings and am happy to report that quite a few zucchini seedlings are doing well! I'm not so happy to report that the tomato seedlings I transplanted with the zucchinis did not fare so well between The Boogie and the snails. We pulled up some carrots that I planted ages ago but they are all stumpy and short. Next time I wont do it in egg cartons first with The Boogie we will throw them straight in the garden and see if they come out bigger! Always learning :)

On a totally unrelated point my Little One is six weeks old today. It does feel like he has been here that long but it definitely shows. About a week or so ago he lost that newborn look and now looks like a solid infant! He is a little character. He looks a lot like The Boogie did but he has a very different temperament. It's exciting to see how we all develop with each other as a family.

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